What is my degree of sustainability? ( ENSINUS ETP/INETE)


I believe that Portuguese society is on a good path. You can see enough electric cars and bicycles through the streets of Lisbon. Many people this year have been using public transport, specially now with the rising of fuel prices. 

In my city for example, all the streets already have the 3 crates instead of a general one. In the Algarve for example most restaurants sell drinks in glass bottles instead of cans or plastic bottles. But even so, I think Portugal still has to evolve a lot in terms of sustainability.

I'm a person who tries to keep a balance. At home, I've already installed LEDs (on tape) so you can spend less power. Many of the times I end up leaving the lights on by forgetfulness but my mother is the opposite of me and always turns off everything be it lights or appliances. 

On my computer, I downloaded the performance so that it consumes less power. When I bathe for example, the water does not heat up soon, it takes about 1 minute. So you don't waste all this water, I'll fill a bucket so I can water the plants in my backyard. I try to gather as much dishes as possible so that I
don't spend so much water.

I believe all these actions can the difference at my own scale. What about you? What is your degree of sustainability?


Miguel Costa


  1. We agree with you, very well done. Tess and Sacha ies adeje

  2. Hello! I'm Sergio from 3B. I think that this proyect is too interesting, and I'd like that exist more people that think as you!


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